Emergency & Supportive Services for Rocklin & Placer County
Note: Click on any VCF file link below to add that phone number to your personal Contacts list
Rocklin phone numbers:
- Traditional emergency phone number - 911
- Rocklin police phone number - (916) 624-5400 VCF file
- Fire Department emergency - 911
Placer County (outside Rocklin only) phone numbers:
Nearby Emergency Rooms (Medical)
Sutter Roseville Medical Center - Emergency Room VCF file
1 Medical Plaza Dr 1st Floor, Roseville - Phone: (916) 781-1800 -
Kaiser Roseville Medical Center - Emergency Room VCF file
1600 Eureka Rd, Roseville - Phone: (916) 784-4050 -
Mercy San Juan Medical Center - Emergency Room VCF file
6501 Coyle Ave, Carmichael - Phone: (916) 537-5000 -
Lincoln Urgent Care - Lincoln Hills Town Center VCF file
77 Lincoln Blvd, Suite 1, Lincoln, CA - Phone: (916) 258-2751
Other Emergency Numbers:
- Placer County Water Agency - 530-823-4850 VCF file
- Placer County Sewage - 530-886-4913 (24 hour emergency line) VCF file
- Placer County Adult Crisis & Intake - 916-787-8860 VCF file
or call 888-886-5401 if a mental health emergency - Placer County Crisis Resource website: Placer County Crisis Resources
- PG&E - 877-660-6789 (or 211) for general electrical outages or downed power lines
or call 911 if you smell a gas leakage. VCF file - Suicide Prevention Hotlines:
- English: 800-273-8255
- Spanish: 888-628-9454
- Veteran's: 800-784-2433
Placer County Services
What is a VCF file?
A VCF (Virtual Contact File) is a standard text file used for storing contact information. You can download and open a VCF file from this page and then add it to your Contacts list on your local computer or phone.
To add a VCF file to Google Contacts on your Android device, do the following:
- Open the Contacts app on your Android device
- Tap Organize at the bottom of the screen
- Tap Import from file
- If you have multiple phone accounts, choose the one where you want to save the contacts
To add a VCF file to an iPhone, do the following:
- First save the VCF file to your phone.
- Then go to iCloud.com/contacts
- Sign in to your Apple Account
- Choose Import Contact
- Save the vCard you want to import
Contacts from imported vCards are added to the All Contacts list. You can add those imported contacts to any other list by dragging them. See Create and manage lists of contacts on iCloud.com.